
The Student Union of the University of Oulu, OYY, is a community of around 12 000 members, and a lobbying- and service organisation. The Student Union supervises the interests of students in the university and in the city of Oulu. Additionally, it offers its members guidance and assistance in studying and student life related matters. The Student Union also organises free-time activities such as events and Wellbeing tutoring. Within the University of Oulu, there are several guilds, subject societies and interest societies operating while receiving support, aid and training from the Student Union. The Student Union supports and trains student representatives of the university administration, known as Hallopeds.

The operations of the Student Union are regulated by the Universities Act, and each university in Finland has its own student union. The National Union of University Students in Finland, SYL, unites student unions and advocates for students on a national level.


Every other year the Student Union holds a Student Council election to select a 37-person Council of Representatives to decide on the major operational policies. All members are eligible to vote in the Student Council election. Every year the Council of Representatives selects a Board to carry out OYY’s daily operations and to publicly represent the Student Union. The staff is responsible for customer service, guidance and supporting the Board’s work.


The Student Council of the Student Union of the University of Oulu is selected in a Student Council election held every other year. The most recent election was held in November 2021. Each member of the Student Union is eligible to run and vote in the Student Council election. In the election, the members and general deputies are selected. Various groups operate under the Student Council, with some working as representatives of the students from different faculties, and some as political groups. The Student Councilselects the Chair from among its members for one year at a time to lead the Council’s operations. The Student Union’s Secretary General works as the secretary during Council meetings.


The Student Council assembles around 7 times per academic year. It decides on the Student Union’s major operational policies stated in documents such as the policy paper, strategy and regulations. The Student Council annually decides on the Student Union’s action plan and budget, as in what the Student Union’s funds should be directed towards. The Council also approves of the operation development projects part of the action plan.

Additionally, the Council selects the Board, the Student Union’s Secretary General, and the Editor-in-chief of Oulu Student Magazine.

Council meetings are open events and all members are welcome to attend! Each meeting also has a memo written up for a brief overview of what decisions were made during the meeting.


Lists of decisions



The Board of the Student Union is composed of elected officials selected for one year at a time, responsible for holding the executive power of the Student Union and carrying out decisions and the action plan determined by the Council of Representatives.


The Board, led by the Chair, represents the Student Union and takes a stand in the name of the Student Union. Each member of the Board has their own area of responsibility to which they specifically focus on during their term. The Board is responsible for the Student Union’s daily operations and advocating for the students in collaboration with the specialists.

The Board of the Student Union assembles around once a week and participates in other office events and activities. The Board is responsible for, e.g., collaborating with student organisations and granting them financial aid. Additionally, the Board selects the student  representatives of the administration and makes statements when needed.

All members of the Student Union are eligible to run for the Board. The Board is selected annually during Council meetings in November-December. The Board is selected for a term of one calendar year.

Contact the Board



The staff of OYY is responsible for keeping the Student Union’s everyday operations running smoothly, supervising the interests of the students and supporting the Board in their work. The specialists provide the Board information and support in lobbying, and do lobbying work themselves. They also provide guidance and support for individual students and student organisations in dealing with student life related issues, and communicate regarding the Student Union’s operations. The staff is involved in, e.g., the Student Union’s major events, Wellbeing tutoring and international matters. Additionally, the staff handles matters related to the student card and membership. The Editor-in-chief of Oulu Student Magazine also works as a part of the Student Union office.

The Student Union staff is led by the Secretary General who, in addition to leading and managing operations, works as the secretary in Council and Board meetings. The Board is responsible for recruiting the staff of OYY. The Secretary General and the Editor-in-chief of Oulu Student Magazine are selected by the Student Council.


Contact the staff