Equality and Diversity

Everyone has a right to study and work at the University without discrimination, bullying or harassment. Work for equality and diversity also includes an accessibility angle, consisting of usability of study systems, individual study arrangements and accessibility of the study environment. In addition to participating in the drafting of the university’s equality and diversity plan, the Student Union has its own equality and diversity plan.

Bullying, harassment, discrimination and inappropriate treatment

Bullying, harassment, discrimination and other inappropriate treatment have no place in the university community – or any other place of work or study. Members of the community can take action to prevent and resist harassment and bullying. It is advisable to immediately intervene in harassment by confronting the person responsible. In the event of unsuccessful intervention or lack of courage to confront the person responsible, you may file a report via form or contact the harassment contact persons in the university or the Student Union.

The Student Union’s harassment contact persons are trained staff members of the Student Union. The university’s harassment contact persons can be found in the Prevention of bullying and harassment at the University of Oulu -guide. All conversations with harassment contact persons are confidential. Harassment contact persons support and advise students who have experienced harassment, and assist them in handling the situation. Harassment contact persons are not supposed to discipline persons accused of harassment nor to act as personal therapists for victims of harassment.


University’s form for reporting bullying or harassment

Harassment contact persons

Kauko Keskisärkkä

Secretary General


Tel. 0405231822

Essi Leinonen

Specialist of Social Affairs


Tel. 0405265821

Viljami Viinikka

Community Specialist


Tel. 0405200557

The Equality and Diversity Committee and working groups

The University of Oulu has an Equality and Diversity Committee tasked to collect and forward information for the whole university community on questions regarding equality and diversity. The committee hosts trainings and oversees the fulfilment and advancement of the operative equality and diversity plan. The committee prepares the equality and diversity plan for the university. Three equality and diversity working groups consisting of members from different faculties are working under the committee, and they are tasked to advance equality and diversity on faculty and unit level. In the Equality and Diversity Committee and the working groups, students are represented by student representatives of the university administration, known as Hallopeds, and OYY’s Specialist of Social Affairs (sopoasiantuntija@oyy.fi, +358 40 526 5821).