We want you! Application period for student representatives open untill the 13th of February

Student representatives wanted! In this call there are spots for a two year term in UniOGS working groups as well as additionals spots in university and faculty-level groups till the end of 2023! Apply from halloped.fi!

In the University of Oulu students are represented by student representatives. They are also called hallopeds (from Finnish ”hallinnon opiskelijaedustaja”, which translates to student representative). A student representative is the voice of students in decision making. There are more than a hundred student representatives in the University of Oulu. They have in the University’s governance ranging from the Board of Directors to Degree Programme Committees.

In this call there are two-year terms in University of Oulu Graduate School working groups as well as additional spots in working groups in our University and its faculties. These include spots in UniOGS management group and a deputy spot in the university collegium.

All vacancies and a chance to apply is found at halloped.fi. Leave your application by 13th of February and take part in creating a better tomorrow for students!

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