24/7 cards now available from OYY!
24/7 campus cards now from OYY, the price for members decreases to 15 euros

From now on, students can order 24/7 cards through OYY. The order can be placed via the university’s online shop at https://shop.oulu.fi/. Log in to the shop with your Haka ID and order your Campus card. The price of the card is 15 euros for OYY members and 30 euros for others. The right to access other spaces, such as guild rooms, are granted at the Service points of both campuses as before.
When your card is ready for collection, you will be notified by email. You can pick up your card at the OYY office during our opening hours (Monday to Friday 10-14, closed 11-11.30). At the Kontinkangas campus, you can pick up your card at the University service point during opening hours.
The card can be collected approximately one week after ordering. During peak periods, such as the beginning of the academic year, delivery may take a little longer.