OYY visits Kajaani!

University education will start in Kajaani in autumn 2024, and OYY visited the city

The University of Oulu will launch early childhood education and special education courses in Kajaani in autumn 2024. The studies will be funded separately by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the cities of Kajaani and Iisalmi. 

In autumn 2024, 40 students will start their studies as bachelor of early childhood education and 20 as special education teachers. In autumn 2025, 20 students will be selected to start their Master’s degree studies in early childhood education and special education. The training will address the shortage of teachers in Kainuu and Ylä-Savo. The studies will be blended learning, with contact teaching taking place in Kajaani at the University of Applied Sciences.

Members of the OYY Board and OYY’s specialists visited Kajaani on 5 June 2024 to see the city, Kajaani University Centre and Kajaani University of Applied Sciences. Kajaani already has a YTHS service centre, which will in future also serve university students in Kajaani. The visit also included a discussion on cooperation with the student union KAMO of Kajaani University of Applied Sciences.

We are planning another visit to Kajaani in the autumn, after the new students have started their studies. Kajaani students will get the same introduction to the Student Union and our services as the freshers from Oulu. We are there for all members, regardless of location, and almost all services are available by email, phone or remote meetings. We also want to support students in Kajaani to organise their own activities and events.

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