The Student Council held a vote of confidence regarding the Board – Salminen continues as the Chair of the Board
A motion for a vote of confidence regarding the board was sent to the chair of the student council on Tuesday, 7 November. The motion has been signed by 15 members and deputy members of the council. The motion was handled in the last meeting of the 2022–2023 term student council on Tuesday, 14 November.
The student council has discussed the matter internally before the meeting, and the decision on the confidence of the board and on its new structure was made unanimously. Suvi-Anna Salminen continues as the chair of the board. Mikko Hakoniemi, Katri Holmi, Elli Reinola, Anton Kostiainen, Aku Forsman, Aapomikko Matti, and Eveliina Tiusanen continue as board members. The board elects the vice chairs in their organization meeting. Hakoniemi and Holmi have previously acted as the vice chairs of the board.
More information: Leea Putula, Chair of the Student Council,
Kauko Keskisärkkä, Secretary General,, 040 523 1822