Yearly summary of advocacy work

One of the most important tasks of the Student Union is advocating for the interests of students. This task is carried out in various ways: by meeting decision-makers, issuing public statements and comments, and providing training for organizations. A major part of advocacy work may not be visible to the public. Our specialists offer advice to individual students and organizations, we participate in workshops, and make statements. In this news piece, we have listed the most notable advocacy accomplishments from this year! 


Statements and comments 

  • Provided statements to the Ministry of Education and Culture as well as other stakeholders. Topics included the reform of university funding models, fees for open universities, and the renewal of entrance examinations. 
  • Reviewed and commented on internal university documents and development projects. Topics included the role descriptions for degree program coordinators and updates to AI policies. 
  • Submitted a statement to the university regarding the top three candidates for the rector search.
  • Issued internal statements to the university regarding topics such as the competitive bidding of restaurants, the discontinuation of traineeship support grants, and the adequacy of education funding. 

Meetings with decision-makers 

  • Met with eight members of the parliament from the Oulu electoral district during the year. Discussed relevant issues such as student income, housing, and the Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS). Additionally, met with other political decision-makers and influencers, such as members of the European Parliament and party leadership. 
  • Met with Oulu city council members, city board representatives, and other officials. Discussed topics such as housing, summer job and internship opportunities, public transportation, and student well-being. 
  • Met with the Minister of Education and Culture Anna-Maja Henriksson. Discussed student wellbeing, livelihood, and current EU education policies. 

Meetings with university leadership 

  • Held regular meetings with the rector and the vice rector during the year. Topics included summer courses, increasing exchange windows in degree programs, and awarding study credits for student organization activities. 
  • Kept in contact with the university board, particularly its student representatives. 

Advocacy events organized by the OYY 

  • At the beginning of the year, trained new student representatives in administration for the upcoming two years. 
  • Trained a total of 120 new harassment contact persons to meet the needs of student organizations. 
  • Organized training sessions and meetings for student organizations.
  • Organized two student forums on topics such as university facilities and Oulu as a student city. Issues raised during the student forums were addressed in board meetings and used to advance advocacy work. 
  • Organized two discussion and feedback events for educational policy representatives of student organizations and student representatives of faculties to cover current national and local advocacy issues. The feedback collected was used to support OYY’s advocacy work and statements. 
  • Organized themed weeks in the autumn focusing on education policy and wellbeing. Events included “Apples for Teachers” day, a feedback campaign, and a campaign addressing period poverty. 

Advocacy events attended by the OYY 

  • 12.1. Participated in Puolen Suomen vaalitentti, an election debate organized by Kaleva and Lapin Kansa, where the board posed questions to the presidential candidates about issues concerning students and youth. 
  • 21.3. Contributed to planning and implementing the event for the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. – 18.4. Participated in the university and City of Oulu’s forum on job markets and higher education, delivering a keynote speech on student wellbeing challenges and the employment difficulties faced by international students. 
  • Participated in organizing Global Week in the autumn. 

Other advocacy activities 

  • Specialists provided personal counseling to students, focusing primarily on challenges related to financial aid and course practices. – Published a declaration of equality, an urban policy programme, and an internationality manual. 
  • Appointed new student representatives in administration throughout the year to replace the graduated students.
  • Secured media visibility with three official statements and coverage in local media during the release of the urban policy programme and the university’s opening ceremony. 
  • The chairpersons of the board represented the student union twice in panels organized by the City of Oulu and Kaleva. 
  • Collaborated with FSHS, resulting in additional seats on the FSHS Northern Region Board, ensuring that every student union in the region could appoint its own representative for meetings. 
  • Collaborated with subject society representatives and student representatives in administration on relevant advocacy issues. We have advanced collaboration between subject societies and campus facility services in drafting new agreements for guild spaces. 
  • On October 11, signed a student-led petition titled For High Quality Student and Faculty Meals at the University of Oulu.

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