Statement: OYY condemns the attempt to prevent a student from participating in decision-making
OYY took a stance in the discussion about the election of the new rector
The Student Union of the University of Oulu (OYY) is shocked that an attempt has been made to silence the voice of a student in the university’s board’s decision-making and to prevent a student representative from participating. During the board’s discussion of the selection of a new rector, efforts were made to disqualify a student member of the board, Lotta Pennala, from voting on the matter. The matter has become evident from the minutes of the university board meeting, which were published on October 7, 2024.
OYY is deeply disappointed with the actions of the university board. The disqualification request was made at the last minute without valid grounds, with the presented information to support it being flimsy. According to the information published by Yle, the matter in question was not a complaint, as claimed during the meeting, but a report of inappropriate behavior. It is unreasonable that a report of inappropriate behavior made by Pennala in the past has been used as grounds to prevent her from participating in the decision-making process. The minutes of the university board note that the matter has been fully addressed with the parties involved. Furthermore, Pennala’s conduct during the rector election process has given no reason to suspect that her impartiality has been compromised.
“Bringing up relevant issues cannot result in negative consequences for the informant, nor should the informant be excluded from the decision-making of the university community. What kind of a message does this send to students and faculty who wish to participate in decision-making and have encountered inappropriate behavior during their studies or their work?” Asks Kauko Keskisärkkä, the secretary general of OYY.
All candidates for the rector’s position were known by July 26, and the board itself had chosen the top three candidates during their meeting on August 15. However, the proposal to disqualify Pennala was not brought forward until the board meeting on September 26, when the final vote and the decision on the new rector both took place. If Pennala was considered ineligible to participate in the selection, why wasn’t this issue addressed in earlier stages of the selection process? The board’s approach raises questions about why disqualification was proposed only during the vote, and not, for example, when the selection of the top three candidates was being discussed.
“OYY fully supports Lotta Pennala, and we continue to demand that every student representative has the freedom to participate in decision-making at all levels of university governance in the bodies to which they have been elected. The entire university board must commit to the ethical principles they have adopted,” demands Eveliina Tiusanen, 1. vice chair of the OYY Board.
The entire university community must genuinely commit to improving the atmosphere of our university and treating every member of our community with respect, regardless of their position. Disagreements must be discussed openly and constructively. For some time now, it has seemed like a small group is stirring up the university’s decision-making and trying to silence those who disagree with them. A better university is not created with division, but by working together.
Further information:
secretary general Kauko Keskisärkkä, 040 523 1822,
1 . vice chair of the Board Eveliina Tiusanen