Student Union condemns political discrimination
It has been reported that Oulun Opiskelevat Kokoomusnuoret ry has handed out stickers that targeted and aimed to rule out a singular political group at the Interest Society Appro event on the 10th of October. The Student Union has received multiple reports on the events and has taken the necessary actions on this matter.
Communality is at the center of OYY’s values. All discriminating acts are in conflict with our values and need to be condemned. All of us have a right to live without discrimination based on the Constitution Law. The law states, that “No one shall, without an acceptable reason, be treated differently from other persons on the ground of sex, age, origin, language, religion, conviction, opinion, health, disability or other reason that concerns his or her person.” The acts at the Interest Society Appro were discriminating against opinion and conviction.
The Student Union has a zero tolerance policy on all discrimination. Everyone has an equal right to participate in its activities without the fear of being discriminated of ones political beliefs. When applying as a member of the Student Union community each association has promised to act in accordance with the Student Unions values, strategy and equality and diversity guidelines. Student Unions events have Guidelines of Safer Space that all participants have accepted and committed to.
Student Union has heard the representatives of Oulun Opiskelevat Kokoomusnuoret ry and discussed the events on it’s board meeting on the 13th of October. Based on it’s discussions the Student Union has decided to expel the association from its community for a year. The expelling will last until the end of October, 2024.
Leea Putula Suvi-Anna Salminen
Chair of the Student Council Chair of Board