OYY's declaration of equality

Students’ mental health week starts with the publication of OYY’s declaration of equality! The theme of the week is equality. The declaration of equality and the measures of it will be permanently available on our website.

”No one may be discriminated against on the basis of age, origin, nationality, language, religion, belief, opinion, political activity, trade union activity, family relationships, state of health, disability, sexual orientation or other personal characteristics. Discrimination is prohibited, regardless of whether it is based on a fact or assumption concerning the person him/herself or another.” (Non-Discrimination Act 1325/2014 § 8) 

With this declaration, we want to show that everyone in the Student Union of the University of Oulu has the right to be themselves and to be treated as an equal member of the student community. We also want everyone to have the same opportunities to participate in community activities, and we will do our best to take different constraints into account when planning activities.  

We want our community to respect human rights and ensure that they are not violated in any situation. Respect for others in the community is everyone’s responsibility, and together we want to make the student community a safe and fair place for everyone to work.  

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