Faculty Boards
Faculty Boards are legal administrative bodies in faculties with multiple members (Universities Act §27). They handle the management of the faculties alongside deans and the Faculty Management Groups and decide on the faculty’s broader actions. The faculty board is tasked with, for example, the preparation, resource planning and implementation of the faculty’s operational programme, approval of the faculty’s action and financial plan as well as its personnel plan. Additionally, the Faculty Board follows and guides the communications of the faculty’s affairs to the personnel and students. The rector hears the Faculty Board when choosing a dean or educational dean.
In addition to students the Faculty Board, according to the University Regulations 8§ includes the dean, faculty staff and external members who have expertise on the faculty’s areas of competence. The Boards meeting times vary, most meet a couple of times per semester.
The faculty board is tasked with assisting the faculty’s management in the following matters:
1) the preparation and implementation of the faculty’s operational programme;
2) the preparation of the faculty’s action and financial plan as well as its personnel plan;
3) monitoring the faculty’s activities and finances; and
4) communicating the faculty’s affairs to the personnel and students
Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine
Elli Kononen, jkononen20@student.oulu.fi
Marjaana Sarpola. marjaana.sarpola@student.oulu.fi
Deputy members:
Joonas pitkäaho, jpitkaah23@student.oulu.fi
Kimia Kazemi, kkazemi24@student.oulu.fi
Faculty of Humanities
Santtu Mäenpää, santtumaenpaa@gmail.com
Lotta Ojala, lotta.e.ojala@student.oulu.fi
Deputy Members:
Kalle Parviainen,
Vilma Sippola -
Oulu Business School
Jasmin Urpilainen, jasmin.urpilainen@student.oulu.fi
Deputy Member:
Juho Väärä
Faculty of Education and Psychology
Saila Pihlajamaa, saila.pihlajamaa@student.oulu.fi
Marko Venäläinen, marko.venalainen@student.oulu.fi
Deputy Members:
Ida Leipivaara,
Taru Lyöri -
Faculty of Medicine
Joakim Hulkkonen, joakim.hulkkonen@student.oulu.fi
Maari Kytöharju, maari.kytoharju@student.oulu.fi
Deputy Members:
Julia Mäntylä,
Antero Metso -
Faculty of Science
Samu Vanhala, samu.vanhala@student.oulu.fi
Elina Lassi, elina.lassi@student.oulu.fi
Miikka Lukkaroinen, miikka.lukkaroinen@student.oulu.fi
Deputy Members:
Toni Hyvönen,
Sara Väyrynen -
Faculty of Technology
Tiitu-Lotta Paju, tpaju18@student.oulu.fi
Christian Lilja, chrlilja@live.com
Riikka Lebeitsuk, riikka1.lebeitsuk@gmail.com
Deputy members:
Iikka Kokkoniemi,
Madhuri Rayadurgam,
Nidhal Aga -
Faculty of ITEE
Aprotim Paul, aprotim.paul@student.oulu.fi
Aapomikko Matti, aapomikko@gmail.com
Deputy members:
Fuad Al Parvez,
Ahmed Jabir Zuhayr