Students' rights

OYY’s specialists are there to help in situations in which you feel like your rights have been infringed. We can be reached via

To request for rectification

In practice, a request for rectification means a request to correct a decision that has already been made. You can request for rectification in decisions regarding study right, study attainments (grading & completion), semester fees and recognition of learning. Rectification requests are processed by the University of Oulu’s Board of Examiners.


If you are dissatisfied with your course grade:

First, ask the person who made the assessment to correct or change your grade. Submit a rectification request to the course examiner within 14 days of your first opportunity to be informed of the results of the assessment and how the assessment criteria has been applied to your attainment.

If you are dissatisfied with the examiner’s decision, you may request for rectification from the Board of Examiners within 14 days of the response. The Board of Examiners does not re-assess the attainment, but rather conducts an evaluation on whether the original assessment has been performed in accordance with the assessment criteria. A rectification request must be drafted carefully and in a well-argued manner the first time. Instructions for drafting a rectification request can be found on the university’s website. The Board of Examiners will process the matter without delay. Decisions made by the Board of Examiners cannot be appealed.


If you are dissatisfied with your thesis grade (Bachelor’s thesis, Master’s thesis, DI-thesis, Doctoral dissertation, Licentiate thesis):

Request for rectification directly from the Board of Examiners within 14 days of being informed of the grade. Make sure to carefully read the university’s instructions for drafting a rectification request. The Board of Examiners does not re-assess the attainment, but rather conducts an evaluation on whether the original assessment has been performed in accordance with the assessment criteria. The Board of Examiners will process the matter urgently. However, allow a few weeks’ processing time, as the Board of Examiners will request a response from the person(s) who made the assessment. Decisions made by the Board of Examiners cannot be appealed.

OYY’s Specialist of Academic Affairs ( provides assistance and support in the rectification process. Do not hesitate to contact them if the matter is currently relevant to you.